WestFetch, Inc, Tampa’s premier pet sitter, dog walking and boarding service, in keeping with their devotion to remember their beloved Dante, donated another $500 to Lost Angels Animal Rescue, also based in Tampa. WestFetch had donated previously in October of 2014.
After losing their beloved Dante in May, 2014, whom was saved by Lost Angels and eventually adopted by Craig & Michaela Muniz, owners of WestFetch, Inc, they established a memorial fund that would donate $.50 from each pet sitting and dog walking visit completed from June 1st – December 31st, 2014 to Lost Angels. After counting all visits completed in the 4th quarter (Oct, Nov & Dec), a total just under $500 was collected. Craig likes round numbers, so he decided to up the total to $500 even for Lost Angels.
For 2015, WestFetch will continue their support of Lost Angels by donating $.25 for each pet sitting or dog walking visit completed for the entire year.
Thank you Lost Angels for all you do!! We are so grateful for saving Dante and the countless others over the years. If you’d like to make a donation to Lost Angels, please see their website at http://www.lostangelsanimalrescue.org/.