Feel free to contact us anytime via email, phone or the contact form below, we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Phone: 813-333-1004 (NOTE: Please do not text this number, it is not a cell number and it will not go through. If you leave a voicemail and don’t receive a call back within 24 hours, please email us or use the contact form below.)
Email: service@westfetch.com
Office Hours
(Note: Pick up and drop off appointment hours differ for boarders)
- Mon – Fri, 8a-6p
- Sat 9a-2p
- Sun (and Holidays) Closed
Day Care and Boarding Property
8010 Beaty Grove Dr
Tampa, FL 33626
Tours/Visiting Hours (by appointment only):
- Mon – Sat, 3p-6p